Holding Conferences and Specialized Meetings
The Center for Compiling the History of Philosophy and the Scientific Society of the History of Wisdom and Philosophy have held a series of specialized meetings and conferences, which will also continue in future, in line with the demands of this huge Project. The list of the previous meetings and conferences and those which are forthcoming is given below:
13) 13 December, 2012
Meeting of
History of Philosophy (13)
A Review of the
History of Ancient Philosophy
Time |
Program |
15.15 |
Recitation of
some Verses in the Holy Qur’an |
15.20 |
Opening the meeting and
program announcement |
Time |
Topic |
15.30 |
Parviz Zia
Shahabi |
Heraclitus, a
Bright Night in the Middle of a Dark Day |
16 |
Qasim Purhassan |
Anaxagoras |
16.30 |
Discussion and Networking |
17 |
Break |
Time |
Speaker |
Topic |
17.30 |
Ali Asghar Musleh |
Philosophers as the Meeting Point of the West-East Dialog |
16 |
Mehrdad Malekzadeh |
Pre-Socratic Philosophers and
Iranian Thought |
18.30 |
Discussion and Networking |
19 |
Break |
12) Tuesday, 18 October, 2011
(Program of “Ibn Sina and Islamic Philosophers”)
«Tuesday, 18 October, 2011»
Opening Session: 8.00 – 10.00 am
Reciting the Qur’an and Listening to the National Anthem |
Time |
Name |
Title |
8.15 |
Qasim Purhassan (Conference Secretary) |
Opening Speech and Program Announcement |
8.30 |
Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei |
Ibn Sina: an Ishraqi Philosopher |
9.00 |
Dr. Reza Dawari
Ibn Sina’s Place and Role in Rational Thought |
9.30 |
Gholamreza A’wani,
Ibn Sina and Thomas Aquinas on Substance |
Break |
Session 1: 10.30 – 12
Chair: Purhassan, Kalbasi
Time |
Name |
Title |
Karim Mujtahidi
Ibn Sina and the West |
Mustafa Muhaqqiq Damad
Ibn Sina’s Influence on Shi’ite Ijtihad (Exertion)
Qasim Purhassan
Substance and the Immateriality of the Soul: a Comparison of Ibn Sina and Aristotle
Lunch and Prayer break
Session 2: 13.50 – 15.10
Chair: Kalbasi, Muhajirnia
Time |
Name |
Title |
‘Aynullah Khadimi
The Relationship between Providence and the Best Order and the Quality of Occurrence of Evil in Divine Decree in Ibn Sina
14.10 |
Muhammed J’afar Harandi
Knowledge and Demand in Iranian Society
Muhsen Muhajirnia
Ibn Muskuyah’s Political Philosophy
Yahya Yathribi |
A Critique of Ibn Sina’s Epistemology or an Endeavor for the Second Step |
15.10 |
Break |
Session 3: 15.30 – 17
Chair: Kalbasi, Purhassan
Time |
Name |
Title |
Hussein Kalbasi |
A Study of Ibn Sina’s Allegorical Treatises |
Gholamhossein Rahimi
Nature and its Fundamental Principles in Ibn Sina and Abu al-Barakat Baghdadi
16.10 |
Maqsud Muhammedi
Lokari, the last Sinan Peripatetic Philosopher
Gholamhossein Ibrahimi Dinani
Abul Hassan ‘Ameri
End of the First Day of the Conference
«Wednesday: 19 October, 2011»
Session 4: 8.00 – 10.00
Chair: Purhassan, Suleyman Heshmat
Time |
Name |
Title |
8.00 |
Reciting the Qur’an and Beginning the Program
8.20 |
Reza Suleyman Heshmat
Our Knowledge of non-Existents
8.40 |
Hamidreza Rezania
Creator and Creation in Aristotle and Ibn Sina
Reza Rasuli Sharabiyani
Formal Strategy in Sinan Logic
Asgari Suleymani Amiri
Features of Sinan Logic |
9.40 |
Nadr Shukrullahi
Ibn Sina in Andalusia
Break |
Session 5: 10.30 – 12
Chair: Suleyman Heshmat, Seyyed Sadr al-Din Taheri
Time |
Name |
Title |
Seyyed Sadr al-Din Taheri
Substance’s being Substance and Accident’s being Accident
Mas’ud Umid
A Review of the Theory of Primordial Nature in Ibn Sina and Descartes: A Step towards the Discovery of a Single Perspective
11.10 |
Murtada Haj Husseini
Sinan Logic, Natural Language, and the Present World
11.30 |
Hassan Fathi
Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics and Ibn Muskuyah’s Tahzib al-Akhlaq
Lunch Break
Session 6: 13.50 – 15.15
Chair: Mas’ud Umid, Fereshteh Nadri Abyanah
Time |
Name |
Title |
Fereshteh Nadri Abyanah
Intellect in Ibn Sina’s Ethical Theory
14.10 |
Muhsen Jahed
Ibn Heytham and Machiavelli: Fundamental Principles of Ethics
Seyyed Mustafa Shahrayini
A Study of Ibn Jozi’s Criticisms of Ibn Sina and Ghazzali in Talbis Iblis
14.50 |
Murtada Shajari
Prayer and its Role in Man’s Perfection in Ibn Sina
Break |
Session 7: 15.30 – 17.00
Chair: Purhassan, Fereshteh Nadri Abyanah
Time |
Name |
Title |
15:30 |
Yusuf Nozuhur
Ibn Sina and the Problem of the Unity of the Intellect and Intelligible
15:45 |
Reza Mahuzi
Accidents’ Being Universal or Particular in Ibn Sina’s Philosophy
16 |
Monireh Seyyed Mazhari
Ibn Sina’s Innovations in Logic
16:15 |
Hussein Atrak
Ibn Sina’s Ethical Theory
16:15 |
Qasim Purhassan |
End of the Conference
11) 26, 27 January 2011
(Farabi Conference)
Place: Sadr al-Muti’allihin Hall
« Wednesday, 26 January 2011»
Opening Session: 9/10-10/15
Reciting some Qur’anic verses and playing the National Anthem
Time |
Name |
Title |
9.15 |
Qasim Purhassan (Conference Secretary) |
Opening Speech and Program Announcement |
9.25 |
Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei |
Farabi’s Place in the History of Islamic Philosophy |
9.50 |
Dr. Reza Dawari
Farabi, a Philosopher of Culture and Politics |
10.15 |
Break |
Session 1: 10.30 – 12.10
Chair: Qasim Purhassan
Time |
Name |
Title |
Mustafa Muhaqqiq Damad
Glorification of Existents in Farabi’s Philosophy |
Manuchehr Saduqi Suha
Hidden Link between Farabi and Ibn Sina
Qolamhossein Ibrahimi Dinani
Farabi and the Realm of Speech
Qolamreza A’awani
Knowledge in Farabi
Lunch and Prayer break
Session 2: 13.45 – 15.15
Chair: Hossein Kalbasi
Time |
Name |
Title |
Seyyed Yahya Yathrebi
A Critique and Evaluation of Farabi’s Politics
14 |
Reza Suleyman Heshmat
Farabi’s View of Numbers and Gradation in Intellectual- Historical Growth
Hossein Kalbasi
A Glance at Farabi’s Ihsa’ al-‘Ulum
Qasim Purhassan |
Farabi and the Fundamental Problem of Language and Thought |
Seyyed Sadr al-Din Taheri
A Critical Study of a Part of al-Jam’ Bayn Ray al-Hakimayn
Ali Karbasizadeh
Ideal City in Saint Augustine and Farabi
Session 3: 15.30 – 16.45
Chair: Ali Moradkhani
Time |
Name |
Title |
Yusuf Nozuhur
A Study of Abu Nasr al-Farabi’s Sharh-i Risalah Zenon al-Kabir al-Yunani |
Hassan Fathi
Farabi and the Divine Plato
16 |
Ali Moradkhani
Farabi in Strauss
Murtada Fathizadeh
Foundations of Knowledge and Happiness in Farabi
Mansur Imanpur
Farabi’s System of Ontology
End of the First Day
«Thursday, 27 January 2011»
Session 4: 9 – 10.15
Chair: Dr. Mujtahidi
Time |
Name |
Title |
9 |
Karim Mujtahidi
Farabi in Henry Corbin
9.15 |
Qolamhossein Rahimi
Farabi, ‘Ilm al-Hayl, and Philosophy of Technology
Amir Nasri
The Relationship between Philosophical and Literary Poetics in Farabi
Fereshteh Nadri Abyaneh
Farabi’s Ethical Views |
10 |
Sahar Kawandi
Farabi’s Thoughts on Training
Break |
Session 5: 10.30 – 12
Chair: Qasim Purhassan
Time |
Name |
Title |
A’ala Turani
Farabi, Happiness, and Political Strategy
Nadia Maftuni
Explaining the Place of an Artist in Farabi’s Political Philosophy
11 |
Reza Mahuzi
The Relationship between Politics and Ethics in Farabi
Murtada Puyan
Farabi’s Philosophical Innovations and their Influence on the History of Islamic Philosophy
Munirah Seyyed Mazhari
Farabi and the Philosophical Analysis of Prophethood
‘Abdul’ali Shukr
Leadership (Imamat) and Management in Farabi’s Thought
Lunch and Prayer break
Session 6: 13.45 – 15.15
Chair: Musa Akrami
Time |
Name |
Title |
Yahya Ma’rufi
Ontology in Farabi
14 |
Muhsin Muhajrnia
Annihilation of Government in Farabi’s Political Philosophy
Sohrab Haqiqat
Metaphysical Distinction of the Existence of a New Basic Quiddity for Introducing a New Philosophy
14.30 |
Qolamhossein Ahmadi Ahangar
Emanation and its Quality in Farabi and Plotinus
14.45 |
Musa Akrami
Classification of Natural and Mathematical Sciences in Farabi
15 |
Marziyah Sadiqi
Interaction between the Intellect and Revelation in Farabi
Break |
Session 7: 15.30 – 16.30
Chair: Muhsin Muhajirnia
Time |
Name |
Title |
15:30 |
Furuq al-Sadar Rahimpur
Farabi’s Musical Sufism
15:45 |
Tahereh Kamalizadeh
Methodology of Aristotle and Farabi
16 |
Hossein Hosseini Amin
A Study of the First Leader and the Features of Leadership (Imamat) in Shi’ite Philosophy
16:15 |
Behzad Muhammedi
Argument of the Righteous in Farabi and its Culmination and Transcendence in the Words of ‘Allamah Tabataba’i
End of the Conference
10) 21 July 2010
(Conference on the History of Philosophy)
Place: Qazwin,
International Imam Khomeini University
Theme: The
Shi’ite Wisdom and Islamic Science and Civilization
Twenty two prominent
professors delivered speeches in this Conference. Some of them are as follows:
Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei: “Origin of Isma’iliyyah”
Muhammed Sa’idi Mehr: “General Leadership (Imamat) in Isma’iliyyah”
Reza Dawari Ardakani: “The Relation between Farabi and Isma’iliyyah”
Ali Asghar Muslih: “An Epistemological Deliberation over the Relationship
between Gnosis and Shi’ism”
Muhammed Hakkak: “Place of Philosophical Thought in Shi’ite Teachings”
Karim Mujtahidi: “A Study of the Philosophical Components of Abu Y’aqub
Sajistani’s Kashf al-mahjub”
Seyyed Yahya Yathrebi: “Relation and Origin of Sufism and the Isma’ilite
Hamidah Chubak: “Archaeological Findings in Alamut and the Related Periods”
9) 20 January 2010
Meeting of the History of Philosophy
The Institute, Sadra al-Muta’allihin Hall
Subject: Development of Philosophical Thought in Ancient Iran (4)
* Dr. Shirin Bayani (History of Ancient Iran), Philosophical Sources of
* Dr. Muhammed Taqi Rashed Muhassil (Ancient Languages), Moving from
Material Life to Heavenly Life and an Explanation of the Related
8) 5 May 2009
Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Scientific Society
Place: The Institute, Sadr al-Muta’allihin Hall
Subject: Programming the Publication of the Journal of History
and Philosophy
* President of the Institute
* Dr. Gholamhossein Khedri (Second Inspector)
* Dr. Hussein Kalbasi (First Inspector)
* Dr. Muhammed Ilkhani (Member)
* Dr. Reza Suleyman Hishmat (Member)
* Dr. Karim Mujtahidi (Member)
7) 15 May 2009
Meeting of the President of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute
with the authors of the series of A Comprehensive History of
Philosophy and Wisdom
Place: The Institute, Sadr al-Muta’allihin Hall
Subject: A review of the works done so far, activity report of
the Secretariat from the beginning until now, presenting the future
programs, discussing the ideas and suggestions of the authors.
* President of the Institute
* Dr. Gholamhossein Khedri, the Scientific-Research Deputy of the Sadra
Islamic Philosophy Institute.
6) Date: 4 March 2009
Place: The Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute, Sadr al-Muta’alihin Saloon
Topic: The History of Philosophical Thought in Ancient Iran (3)
Dr. Muhammed Rahim Sarraf (archaeology), “Culture of Elam”
Dr. Mahshid Mir Fakhrayi (linguistics), “Ahuramazda”
5) Date: 14 January 2009
Place: The Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute, Sadr al-Muta’alihin Saloon
Topic: The History of Philosophical Thought in Ancient Iran (2)
Dr. Hussein Kalbasi (philosophy), “The Magi and Iranian Wisdom in Aristotle’s Works”
Atusa Mo’meni (Ph. D student, archaeology), “An Introduction to the Formation of Early Immigrant Governments in Ancient Elam”
Dr. Hekmatullah Mulla Salihi (archaeology), “The Eastern Origins of the Western Origin in History"
4) Date: 6 October 2008
Place: The Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute, Sadr al-Muta’alihin Saloon
Topic: The History of Philosophical Thought in Ancient Iran (1)
Dr. Reza Suleyman Heshmat (philosophy), “A Comparative Study of the Philosophies of Ancient Iran and Greece”
Dr. Tahereh Haj Ibrahimi (religions and gnosis), “The Influence of Iranian Beliefs and Ideas on Judaism”
Mehrdad Malikzadeh (Ph. D student of archaeology), “Anaxagoras, Rationalism, Astronomy, and Materialism”
Dr. Zohreh Zarshenas (linguistics), “Mani, the Philosopher of Ancient Times”
3) Date: 17 June 2008
Place: The Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute, Sadr al-Muta’alihin Saloon
Topic: History of Ancient Philosophy
Dr. Hussein Kalbasi (philosophy), “Whatness of the History of Philosophy”
Dr. Muhammed Taqi Rashid Muhassil (linguistics), “A Brief Introduction of Philosophical-Theological Texts of Ancient Iran”
Dr. Muhammed Ilkhani (philosophy), “Religion and Philosophy in Greece”
Dr. Jale Amuzgar (archaeology), “A Reference to Technical, Philosophical, and Theological Terms in Pahlavi Texts”
Dr. Ali Bigdeli (history), “Political and Social Conditions in Greece”
- Professor Seyyed Muhammed Khamenei, “On History and Philosophy”
Dr. Hekmatullah Mulla Salihi (archaeology), “From Knossos to Ephesus”
Dr. Hassan Mu’allimi (philosophy), “The Innovativeness of Islamic Philosophy in Comparison to Greek Philosophy”
Dr. Janet Blake (philosophy), “The Social and Cultural Perspectives in Ancient Greece (in English)
Dr. Manuchehr Sani’i Darrebidi (philosophy), “The Theory of Knowledge in Greece”
2) Date: 3 March 2007
Place: The Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute, Sadr al-Muta’alihin Saloon
Topic: The Method of Using Archaeological Sources in the History of the Philosophy of Ancient Times (free discussion among philosophy and archaeology masters)
Dr. Mulla Salihi, Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei (the President of the Institute), Dr. Ilkhani, Dr. Chegini, Dr. Fazili, Dr. Neyestani)
1) Date: 15 November 2006