Publication of the 3rd Edition of “The Philosophy of Being a Woman”
The 3rd edited of the book of “The
Philosophy of Being a Woman” by Ayatullah Professor
Khamenei was published. This book consists of two parts
entitled “The Philosophy of Being a Woman” and “Women’s
The first part consists of a
preface and four sections: 1) Women in the Eyes of Jews
and Christians; 2) Women in Nature; 3) Women in Society,
and 4) Islam and women.
The second part consists of a
preface and nine sections: 1) Women in Western
Worldview; 2) Women in Islamic Worldview; 3) Another
view of Islamic Insight into Women; 4) Natural
Differences between Men and Women; 5) Sociological
Differences between Men and Women; 6) Women’s Social
Roles; 7) The Relationship between the Law and
Worldview; 8) Women’s Rights in Islam, and 9)
Differences between the Rights of Men and Women.
The third edition of “The
Philosophy of Being a Woman” has been published in the
octavo format at a price of 70,000 tomans. Interested
readers people can purchase this book at the following
SIPRIn’s Bookshop,
Parsa Cultural Complex,
Between Fakhr Razi and Daneshgah
Enghelab Street,
Tehran, Iran
Phone: 00-98-21-66973202
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