Publication of "The Philosophy of Being a Woman" in English"          3.12.2007

 The English translation of the book of "The Philosophy of Being a Woman", written by Ayatullah Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei, was published by the Publication Center of Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute.


This book is divided into two parts: The Philosophy of Being a Woman and Women’s Rights.

The first part of the book consists of four chapters: Women in Christianity and Judaism, Women in Nature, Women in Society, and Islam and Women. The second part has eight chapters: Women in the Western Worldview, Women in the Islamic Worldview, Another Glance at Women in the Islamic Worldview, Natural Differences between Men and Women, Sociological Differences between Men and Women, Women's Social Roles, the Relation between Law and Worldview, Women's Rights in Islam, and finally, the Differences between the Rights of Men and Women.

 In the Introduction, Professor Khamenei writes:

 In order to gain some scientific knowledge of woman, we should study her analytically from two natural and social dimensions. In doing so, we must study her as a natural phenomenon, along with her physical and psychological characteristics and the functions and duties that have been defined for her in natural laws. At the same time, through a sociological analysis of men and women, we can attain a true perception of woman’s true place, value, and position as a social phenomenon.

The scientific solution to the problem of woman depends on correct and close-to-reality knowledge of both men and women. As long as this knowledge is not the center of discussions, our study of this issue will not be fruitful.

The other titles included in this collection are: ‘Allamah Tabataba’i, Majlisi, and the Hadith of the Intellect and Tradition, Aristotle, Mulla Sadra’s Transcendent Philosophy, the Philosophy of Criticism and Critical Philosophy, The Sun Will Rise in the East Again, The Mission of a Philosopher in the Contemporary World, Political and Social Pluralism, The Relationship between Language and Being, Mulla Sadra’s Qur’anic Interpretive and Hermeneutic Principles, and the Perception of God’s Words in Mulla Sadra’s School.

The book of "The Philosophy of Being a Woman", which was previously published in Persian and Arabic, has recently been published in 208 pages and 2,000 copies in English by the Publication Center of Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute and is now available for interested readers.




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