Publication of Issue 20 of Philosophy and Children
Issue 20 of the biannual Journal
of Philosophy and Children has been published by the
Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute. The
license-holder of this Journal is SIPRIn, and its
editor-in-chief is Zohreh Hosseini Khamenei. The Table
of Contents of this issue is given below:
“Centrality of the Economy of Culture in Fārābian Moral
Pattern and its Function in the Program of “Philosophy
and Children””, Nadia Maftouni
“Children and their Philosophical
Worlds”, Seyyed Sajjad Sadati Zadeh and Muslem Shojaei
“Teaching Intellection to the
Children in Rumī’s Mathnawī”, Fatemeh Bandalizadeh,
Zohreh Hosseini Khamenei, and Ehsan Gheisari
“The Necessity of “Philosophy and
Children” as Tested by Islamic Thought with Reference to
the Present Potentialities of Islamic Culture”, Iman
Dindar Esfahani and Mehdi Mansuri
“Place of the Art of Dialectic in the Program of
“Philosophy and Children”: An Explanation”, Ali Asghar
Jafari Valani and Mahya Mehrjedi
“The Impact of Philosophical Thinking on the Questioning
Spirit of Students: a Qurānīc Approach”, Roya
“Fārābī on Rational Training”, Fariba Adelzadeh Naeini,
Reza Ali Norouzi, and Jahanbakhsh Rahmani
electronic version of this issue of the Journal is
available on The print version of
the Journal can be bought from the bookshop of the
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