Ayatullah Khamenei: “Our Noble Civilization Represents Iran’s Cultural Service to the World.”          12.3.2008

 Last week, a meeting was held between Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute and the Research Center for Human Sciences on the subject “Comprehensive History of Wisdom and Philosophy.” The meeting was presided over by Ayatullah Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei and attended by the members of the Scientific Council of the Project of Compiling a Comprehensive History of Wisdom and Philosophy. It was held in the Meetings Center of Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute.


In this meeting which was devoted to an inspection of the plans of the members of the linguistics and the history of ancient philosophy groups, Dr. Golshani, the President of the Research Center for Human sciences, some of the professors of the Scientific Council of this Center, and a number of the faculty members of Tehran, Shahid Beheshti, and ‘Allamah Tabataba’i Universities, as well as the Sciences and Research Branch of Islamic Azad University, presented their projects and plans concerning the subject of the meeting.

 During this session, Ayatullah Khamenei stated, “The history of philosophy is one of the subjects that must be carefully studied and complied, particularly today that scientific discipline has turned into a political tool (in order to damage the brilliant history of Iran and the Orient).”

He continued, “We know that we have a specific place and particular roots in the history of culture; therefore, through employing the capabilities of the existing distinguished figures, we must compile a comprehensive history of wisdom and philosophy, which represents our noble civilization and is a great service provided by Iran to the world.”

Moreover, according to the President of Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute, foreign masters, professors, and researchers working in the field of the history of philosophy have warmly welcomed the Institute’s invitation in order to participate in the different parts of this project immediately after being informed of the Project of Compiling a Comprehensive History of Philosophy.

In the course of this scientific seminar, certain issues concerning the writing of the history of ancient Iran, old schools of philosophy, the quality of compiling the related documents, writing about the related subjects, and the duties of each of the volunteers were posed and discussed.




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