The Fifth Specialized Meeting on the History of Ancient Philosophy: “The Development of Philosophical Thought in Iran”                   18.2.2009


Following the several meetings and seminars held during this year, the Fifth Specialized Meeting concerning “The History of Philosophy” was held by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute last week. The heads of the four-fold scientific boards of the Center for Compiling a Comprehensive History of Philosophy and Wisdom also took part in this meeting.

Some of the masters and researchers of philosophy and history of philosophy, archeology, history, and linguistics departments of the important universities of the country attended this meeting.

A number of papers were presented by philosophy masters in this meeting, which was held with the presence of Professor Khamenei, the President of the Center for Compiling a Comprehensive History of Philosophy and Wisdom. They continued the meeting by discussing the themes and topics in relation to the project.

“The Magi and Iranian Wisdom in Aristotle’s Works” was the title of the speech delivered by Dr. Hussein Kalbasi from ‘Allamah Tabataba’i University.

Dr. Atusa Mu’meni, the member of the scientific board of Jahad Daneshghahi also presented her research paper entitled “A Introduction to the Formation of Primitive Immigrant Governments in Ancient Elam”.

After the free discussion time, which is common in the scientific interdisciplinary meetings in the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute, and in which the researchers of various disciplines have a chance for exchanging their ideas and opinions, Dr. Hikmatullah Mulla Salihi, the faculty member of Tehran University, closed the fifth meeting of “The Development of Philosophical Thought in Ancient Iran” with his research-oriented discussion of the topic "The Eastern Origins of the Western Region of History”.

According to the President of the Center for Compiling a Comprehensive History of Philosophy and Wisdom, these scientific-research meetings will continue in future and the presented papers will be published in related books and journals.


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