Publication of the 87th Issue of Kheradname-ye Sadra


The 87th issue of the scientific-research Quarterly of Kheradname-ye Sadra was published. The Table of Contents of this issue is given below:

“Time in the View of Islamic Philosophers and Theologians”, Maghsoud Mohammadi

“Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra on the Soul-Body Relation: An Evaluation of the Efficiency of their Principles in Attaining their Ends”, Foroughossadat Rahimpour

“Henry Corbin’s Studies of Islamic Gnosis with an Emphasis on Hermetic Tradition”, Hussein Kalbasi Ashtari, and Hassan Pashayi

“The Relationship between Human Nature and Moral Responsibility in Mulla Sadra”, Mohammad Hosseinzadeh, Azam Ghasemi, Mohsen Javadi, and Hadi Vakili

“Ibn Arabi and Divine Wisdom on the Word “Adam”: A Study of a Comprehensive Image of Adam in Fusus al-Hikam”, Masood Ahmadi Afzadi, and Nawab Moqarrabi

“Sources of Knowledge in Mulla Sadra”, Mahdi Zakeri, and Hossein Emadzadeh

“Religion and Politics in Sadrian Philosophy”, Rohalah Modami, and Mehdi Najafiafra

It is noted that the abstracts of the articles published in all issues of Kheradname-ye Sadra are available to all on the website of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute. Moreover, interested people can buy the different issues of this Quarterly from the Sales Office of the Publications Center of the Institute at the following address:

No. 1218,

Parsa Cultural Complex,

Enghelab Street (in front of Tehran University),

Tehran, Iran

Phone: 0098-21-66973202

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