Meeting in Honor of Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei
In recognition of the academic and
spiritual station of Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei,
a meeting was held on Monday, 27th May 2013 by the
Society of Iranian Cultural Works and Figures in Wahdat
Hall. This meeting hosted a number of prominent academic
and cultural figures including Professor Seyyed Mohammed
Khamenei, President of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy
Research Institute; Seyyed Mohammed Hosseini, Minister
of Islamic Culture and Guidance; Ayatullah Gholamreza
Fayyadi, Head of Board of Directors of the Supreme
Assembly of Islamic Wisdom; Reza Dawari Ardakani,
Director of the Sciences Culture House of the Islamic
Republic of Iran; Hujjat al-Islam Ali Akbar Rashad,
Director of Islamic Culture and Thought Research Center;
Hujjat al-Islam ‘Abdulhossein Khosropanah, Head of
Wisdom and Philosophy Research Institute; Mohammed Baqir
Khorramshad, Head of Islamic Culture and Relations
Organization; Gholamhossein Dinani, the distinguished
master of philosophy, and many other thinkers and lovers
of knowledge and science.
The participants in the ceremony,
while honoring the academic and spiritual services of
Professor Khamenei, praised the efforts of this
religious thinker in founding the Sadra Islamic
Philosophy Research Institute and confirmed his
influential role in reviving Islamic philosophy and,
particularly, the “Transcendent Philosophy”.
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