An Instructional-Research Course on the Transcendent Philosophy


The International University of Jami’at al-Mustafa (Tehran Branch) intends to hold an instructional-research course entitled “The Transcendent Philosophy, the Rational Legacy of Islam in Today’s World” with the cooperation of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute.

This short-term course, which will be offered on 10-31August, 2013 in English, is intended for Iranian and foreign university students and researchers.

  • The most important themes discussed in the course are as follows:

  • Revival of Islamic rationality in today’s world

  • Innovations and features of Islamic philosophy and the Greek legacy

  • Terminology of the Transcendent Philosophy and Islamic philosophy

  • An introduction to the system of Sadrian philosophy

  • Mulla Sadra’s epistemology

  • The relation between Islamic kalam and the Transcendent Philosophy

  • Corbin and the Transcendent Philosophy, report and critique

  • Basic principles of Mulla Sadra’s methodology of interpretation

  • Evaluating the possibility of the social and political extensions of the Transcendent Philosophy

In case the number of applicants does not meet the required limit, the course will be held on 5-25 January, 2014.

For more information visit or send an e-mail to

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