A Study of the “Development of Philosophical Thought in Ancient Iran” in the Specialized Meeting of “The History of Thought, Wisdom, and Philosophy”

Following the series of the meetings, conferences, and seminars for researchers, the fourth specialized meeting of “The History of Philosophy” was held by Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute hosting selected members of the four-fold scientific councils of “The Center of Compiling A Comprehensive History of Wisdom and Philosophy”.
In this meeting a great number of the distinguished professors and researchers of philosophy, archaeology, history, and linguistics departments of Tehran University, ‘Allamah Tabataba’i University, and the archaeology research centers of the Organization for Cultural Heritage, Humanities, and Cultural Studies participated.
The meeting was held with Professor Seyyed Mohammed
Khamenei, the President of Sadra Islamic Philosophy
Institute, Dr. A’awani, Dr. Mujtahidi, and Dr. Mujtaba’i
as the members of the Scientific Council of “The Center
for Compiling A Comprehensive History of Wisdom and
Philosophy." A number of papers were presented and
several issues in relation to this project were
The issues posed in the speeches included “a comparative
study of the wisdom of ancient Iran and Greek
philosophy”, “the effect of Iranian ideas on Judaism”,
“Anaxagoras, reasoning, star worship, and materialism,
and “Mani, the philosopher of ancient times”.
It is noteworthy that in these meetings, after each
speech, some time is always allocated to challenging and
discussing the ideas and subjects presented so that the
researchers and scholars specializing in various
disciplines freely exchange their opinions. This shows
the attempts of Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute at
employing the methods of research in interdisciplinary
studies, as well as the new methods of group scientific
research in order to attain more sublime achievements in
conformity with the demands of the glorious and holy
system of the Islamic Republic of Iran and scientific
and philosophical freedom.
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