The 18th Specialized Meeting of the History of Philosophy on “History of Gnosis and Sufism”


The 18th meeting of the Center for Compiling A Comprehensive History of Wisdom and Philosophy on the theme of “History of Gnosis and Sufism” was held on 9 August 2013 in the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute with presence of Professor Seyyed Muhammed Khamenei, President of the Scientific Society of History of Philosophy and the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute, and some of the prominent masters and researchers in this field.

In this meeting, Dr. Kalbasi, the Secretary of the meeting, presented a report of the purposes and activities of the Center for Compiling A Comprehensive History of Wisdom and Philosophy. Then Dr. Pourjavadi gave a speech on the topic “Existence in the View of Gnostics and Philosophers” and discussed and analyzed the various meanings of “Existence in the View of Sufists, Gnostics, and Philosophers”.

The meeting was closed after some questions and answers and the presentation of the views of some researchers.


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