Publication of A Collection of Mulla Sadra’s Philosophical Treatises (4 volumes) by Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute
book A Collection of Mulla Sadra’s Philosophical
Treatises in 3 volumes has been recently published
by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute under the
supervision of Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei.
first volume of this book consists of the following
treatises: Ittisaf al-mahiyyah bi al-wujud, al-Tashakhkhus,
Sarayan al-wujud, Ajwabat al-masa’il, al- al-rububiyyah,
and al-Mizaj. Seyyed Mahmoud Yusuf Thani was the
editor, researcher, and translator of the first three
treatises and wrote the Introductions to them. Hamid
Naji had the same responsibilities for the last three of
second volume includes the following treatises: Hashr
al-‘ashya’, al-Hashriyyah, Khalaq al-‘amal, al-qadha
wal-qadar, and al-Ma’ad al-jismani. Sa’id
Nazari Tawakuli, Ali Asghari J’afari Walani, Mehdi
Dehbashi, and Kazim Mudir Shanechi were responsible for
the required edition, research, and Introduction of the
above treatises, respectively.
third volume includes Ikthir al-‘arifin fi m’arifat
tariq al-haq wal yaqin, and al-Waridat al-qalbiyyah
fi m’arifat al-rububiyyah. The responsibility of
editing the treatises, performing research on them,
translating them, and writing Introductions to them were
on Seyyed Yahya Yathribi and Ahmad Shafi’iha.
book A Collection of Philosophical Treatises was
written by Sadr al-Din Muhammed Shirazi, nicknamed Sadr
al-Muti’allihin and known as Mulla Sadra, the prominent
Islamic philosopher, expert on the Qur’an, interpreter,
expert on the knowledge of hadith, and
muhaddith of the 10th and 11th
centuries (AH).
Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute, following its common
tradition, intends to make Mulla Sadra’s unique works
accessible to the lovers of wisdom, interpretation,
hadith, and Islamic teachings in the best way
possible in terms of accurate edition, Introduction,
glosses, translation, and publication quality.
book involves Mulla Sadra’s most profound works written
in different periods. Undoubtedly, this is a Collection
of some extremely invaluable treasures of the history of
philosophy in the world of Islam. It is of great
importance and value and deserves the deep appreciation
of masters and researchers in the field of Islamic
publishing this work, the Publication Center of the
Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute has managed to
satisfy the need of researchers and lovers of Islamic
philosophy to this precious book. However, the Institute
will publish the 4th volume of this
Collection and some of Mulla Sadra’s other works which
have not been previously published in the near future.
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