Publications of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute in Spring 2012
1. Danishnama-i ‘Alayi (Treatise on Logic) by Ibn Sina
Ibn Sina
wrote this book in Dari Persian in 5 chapters: 1. logic, 2. natural science (lower science), 3. astronomy, 4. music, and 5. science of what is beyond nature (first science). This book has been published under the supervision of Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei by the Publication Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute. Qasim Purhassan and Nawwab Muqarrabi have written the Introduction to it, presented a commentary on it, and edited it. In writing this work, Ibn Sina tried to use as many Persian words as he could. Since the time of its writing, Danishnama-i ‘Alayi has greatly influenced the writers and translators of philosophical and literary works. The other volumes of this invaluable book, along with the related commentaries, will be edited and published in the near future by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute.
2. Collection of the Papers of Farabi Conference
The Collection of the Papers of Farabi and the Establishment of Islamic Philosophy Conference includes the papers resented on Farabi on the 6th and 7th January 2010 in a Conference held by the International Mulla Sadra Society and the History of Philosophy Society in the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute. This book has been published by the Publication Institute and the Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute and the Center for “Compiling A Comprehensive History of Wisdom and Philosophy” under the supervision of Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei and management of Qasim Purhassan. This collection includes papers in categories such as “biography and works”, “metaphysical philosophy”, “theology”, “politics”, and “art and science”. The speech of Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei titled “Farabi’s Place in the History of Islamic Philosophy” has been presented in a paper at the beginning of the book.
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