Publication of the Ninth Issue of
Philosophy and Children Journal
The ninth issue of Philosophy and Children Journal with the Educational-research-analytic degree was published. The license-holder, director, and editor-in-chief of this Journal are Professor Ayatullah Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei, Zohreh Hosseini, and Tuba Kermani, respectively. This issue of the Journal contains the following articles:
“Production of Content for Philosophy and Children”, Zeynab Barkhordari
“Who is a Child: A Small Adult or a Small Child?”, Reza Mahuzi
“Philosophy of Childhood in Mulla Sadra”, Nawwab Muqarrabi
“Use of Riddles as the Revivable Sources of Iranian Ethnic Groups in the Development of Critical Thinking in Children and Adolescents”, Mika’il Rasulzadeh
“A Critical Study of the Two Stories of “Jodie Establishes a Secret Order” and “Memories of a Vampire in Love” from the Viewpoint of Philosophy for Children Program”, Maryam Effati Kalateh
“Children in the View of John Dewey”, Atefeh Yusufi
“Vygotsky’s Theory of Language and its Relationship with the Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Philosophy to Children”, Soheila Gholami Haradashti and Roxana Rashidpour
Philosophy and Children Journal is published by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute and is sold at a price of 5,000 tomans.
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