Publication of the Eighth Issue of the Philosophy and Children Journal
The eighth issue of the
specialized Quarterly of Philosophy and Children
(instructional-research-analytic degree from the fourth
issue) was published. The license holder of this Journal
is Professor Ayatullah Seyyed Muhammed Khamenei, its
director is Zohreh Hosseini, and its editor-in-chief is
Tuba Karmani.
The Table of Contents of this
issue is given below:
“Development of Creativity in
Children”, Morteza Esma‘ili Kartiji
“An Analysis of the Role of
Schools in Establishing Public Order based on the
Interactions between School-Masters, Teachers, and
Students”, Mohammad Heydar Ya‘qubi
“A Review and Reconstruction
of the Story of Hayy Ibn Yaqzan and its Use in the
Program of Philosophy and Children (P&C)”, Nawwab
“A Study of the Principles of
Public Order in the Fundamental Reform Document of
Education based on the Holy Qur’an”, Muhammad Hassan
Mirza Muhammadi, Hamid Ahmadi Hedayat, and Mustafa
“Teaching Order to Children
through Philosophy and Rational Thought”, Soghra
Babapour, Sediqeh Ahmadi, and Fariba Akbarzadeh
“A Study of the Place of
Philosophy for Children in Public Order in Society”,
M‘asumeh Qadamyari and Roxana Rashidpour
“A Framework for Facilitating
Classroom Dialogue”, Maughn Rollins Gregory,
Translated by Mohammad Reza Vaez Shahrestani
The members of the Editorial
Board of Philosophy and Children Journal are as follows:
Professor Ayatullah Khamenei, Gholamhossein Ibrahimi
Dinani, Gholamreza A‘awani, Reza Dawari Ardakani, Ahad
Faramarz Qaramaleki, ‘Abdulrazzaq Hesamifar, Ali Naqi
Baqershahi, Qasem Pourhassan.
Zohreh Hosseini has written in the
Editorial of this issue as follows: “Nobody questions
the importance of training and education in the country
based on the culture dominating its society. We are
well-aware that the educational system of each society
is one of the most fundamental factors whose good or bad
effects are revealed during the next years or centuries.
I intended to write something about the significance of
this issue; however, the more I tried, the more I
understood that whatever I write will not be as
illuminating as the words of our dear Supreme Leader on
the Teachers’ Day. Therefore, I decided to quote some of
his precious statements in his meeting with teachers on
19.04.2015. In a part of his speech, Ayatullah Khamenei
A good teacher can create great
men and women and distinguished figures even in a
defective educational system. Therefore, the key feature
in this system is the teacher. But, what is the
responsibility of a teacher? Clearly, it is the training
of a generation which is wise, faithful, self-confident,
hopeful, happy, mentally and physically healthy,
intellectual, strong-willed, economical, and productive.
A teacher should train such a generation, which is a
daunting task … “Teaching is the job of prophets” ….
“Teaching is a prophetic job.”
It is noted that interested people
can obtain this Journal and the other publications of
the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute by
contacting the Sale and Subscription Unit of the
Institute at the following phone number:
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