Publication of Issue Five and Six of the
Quarterly of Philosophy and Children
The 2015 spring and summer issues
of the educational-research-analytic Quarterly of
Philosophy and Children was published by the Sadra
Islamic Philosophy Research Institute. The
license-holder of this Journal is Professor Ayatullah
Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei; its director is Zohreh
Hosseini, and its editor-in-chief is Tuba Kermani. The
Table of Contents of this issue is given below:
“A Study of the Similarities and
Differences between Hegel’s Educational Philosophy and
the Program of Philosophy for Children (P4C)”, Hamid
Talebzadeh and Farzad Haji Mirzaie
“Teaching Philosophy to Pre-School
and Primary School Children”, Murtada Isma‘ili Kartiji
“An Assessment of the Purposes of
the Program of Teaching Philosophy to Children in
Islamic Thought”, Hesam al-Din Khal‘atbari and Zahra Aqa
“A Study of an Appropriate Method
of Using Philosophy for Children (P4C) in Iran”, Ahmad
Akbari, Maliheh Akbari, and Zeynab Ejlali
“Impacts of the Program of
Teaching Philosophy for Children on the Skills of
Meaningfulness, Tolerance of Ambiguity, Harmony, and
Drawing Conclusions in the Development of Students’
Critical Thinking”, Hossein Qamari Givi, ‘Ali Khaliqkhah,
‘Ali Rezaie Sharif, and Fatemeh Zadkhust
“Impact of the Nativized Program
of Philosophy for Children on Increasing the
Self-Efficacy, Happiness, and Optimism of Female
First-Grader High School Students”, Reza ‘Ali Nowruzi
and Monireh ‘Abedi
“A Comparative Study of the Views
of Multi-National Teachers on Methods of Teaching
Philosophy to Children”, Mohsen Farmahini Farahani,
Isma‘il Kharestani, and Fatemeh Seifi
We read in the note written by the
Editor-in-chief of this specialized Quarterly in this
issue that Aristotle did not teach philosophy. Rather,
he organized the most important of evident principles of
general philosophy in the form of laws. He did so
similar to what scholars in the field of literature do;
they do not teach how to speak; they merely devise the
grammatical rules for speaking. That is why many people
have a good knowledge of logical principles and grammar
but cannot think well and cannot speak correctly. In
other words, in order to think and speak appropriately,
there are some other factors which are more important
than learning the method of reasoning. Human sciences
represent the domain of the greater power and knowledge
of the East and our beloved Islamic country, Iran, in
relation to the field of civilization. That is why Iran
holds the first rank among the top ten ancient
civilizations in the world. According to the Supreme
Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatullah
Khamenei, “All sciences in a society indeed function as
a body whose soul is humanities.”
This specialized Quarterly is now
available to interested readers at a price of 50,000
rials. It also contains the English translation of the
abstracts of the papers published in this issue. Those
who wish to buy this Quarterly can contact the
Publication Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy
Research Institute at 0098-21-88153594.
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