Publication of Issue 21 of Philosophy and Children



Issue 21st issue of the specialized biannual Journal of Philosophy and Children was published. The license-holder of this Journal is the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute(SIPRIn), and its director is Zohreh Hosseini Khamenei.

The Table of Contents of this issue is as follows:


“Containing Philosophical Concepts in Children Stories (A Case Study of Nakuja Abad Stories for Children)”, Zahra Satarpanahi and Zeinab Barkhordari

“A Study of the Educational Dimensions of Family in Coronavirus Crisis (Covid-19)”, Shirin Mohammadi Panah and Maryam Furqani

“Virtual Education in Corona and Post-corona Period: Human Relations and Challenges”, Abdol Ghafour Jamy Roudy, Towfigh Jamy Roudy, Towhid Jamy Roudy, and Sepide Shahidy Roudy

“The Impact of Coronavirus and Quarantine on the Rise of Child Abuse and their Legal Solution”, Muhammad Jawad Abdollahi and Sepideh Hemmat

“A Study of the Principles of an Approach for Promoting Children Perception of Environment through Environmental Art”, Faezeh Hasani Helm

“School Awareness and Philosophical Experience of Children during the Coronavirus Pandemic”, Zahra Falahan

“Central Role of Family in Training Children in Coronavirus Period”, Narghes Najarpor Nasrabadi

The electronic version of this issue is available on The print version of the Journal can be purchased at the following address:

SIPRIn’s Bookshop,

Parsa Cultural Complex,

Between Fakhr Razi and Daneshgah Streets,

Enghelab Street,

Tehran, Iran

Phone: 00-98-21-66973202



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