Publication of the 13th Issue of Philosophy and Children Journal


The 13th issue of the Specialized Quarterly of Philosophy and Children was published. The license-holder of this Journal is Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute. The director and editor-in-chief of the Journal are Zohreh Hosseini and Tuba Kermani, respectively.

The Editorial-Board of this magazine consists of the following: Ayatullah Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei, Gholamhossein Ibrahimi Dinani, Gholamreza A‘awani, Reza Dawari Ardakani, Ahad Faramarz Qaramaleki, ‘Abdurrazzaq Hesamifar, Ali Naqi Baqershahi, and Ghasem Purhasan.

The following articles are published in the 12th issue of the Journal:

  •  “A Critical Study of Relativism in Matthew Lipmann’s Theory of Education”, Ghasem Purhasan and Fatemeh Sadr

  • “Children in Utopias: Training of Children in Reformers and Philosophers Utopias”, Mikaeil Rasoul Zadeh

  • “A Study of the Impact of Teaching Logical Thinking on the Social Confidence of Children”, Sepideh Ensafi

  • “Philosophy and Children’s Rights”, Mohammad Hosein Fazaili

  • “The Impact of Thoughtful Stories on the Growth of Social Skills of Pre-school Children of Rasht City”, Mustafa Hedayati

  • “Pathology of Attending to Children’s Rights in Iran and the World”, Masumeh Mudawwar

  • “Teaching Children Curriculum from the Perspective of Neo-conceptualist Philosophers”, Saeed Roomani

All the publications of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute can be bought from its bookshop at the following address:

No. 1218,

Parsa Cultural Complex,

Enghelab Street (in front of Tehran University),

Tehran, Iran

Phone: 0098-21-66973202

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