The Third Specialized Meeting of the Philosophy and Children Department



The third edition of the specialized meetings of the Philosophy and Children Department was held on Wednesday, 12 November, 2014 in Sadr al-Muti’allihin Hall in the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute. The meeting inaugurated with a speech by Ahad Faramarz Qaramaleki entitled “Place of Ethics in the Philosophy and Children Program”.

In this two-hour meeting, which was held with presence of Professor Ayatullah Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei, President of SIPRIn, and some of the authorities in the field of philosophy and children, some issues, such as the emphasis on the growth of philosophical thinking instead of the mere teaching of philosophy to children and the ways of attaining the perfection of the soul through philosophical thinking in Children, were discussed.

Office of the Philosophy and Children Department

17 November 2014  

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