An Interview with Ayatullah Professor Seyyed Muhammed Khamenei on the Scientific Views of ‘Allamah Tabataba’i

Given the fact that Ayatullah
Professor Seyyed Muhammed Khamenei, President of the
Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute, was a
student and disciple of ‘Allamah Seyyed Mohammad Hossein
Tabataba’i, the Scientific Research Center of the
Islamic Government of the Secretariat of the Assembly of
Experts conducted an interview with His Excellency about
the academic character and views of ‘Allamah Tabataba’i
regarding the Islamic government and guardianship of the
jurisconsult (velayat-e faqih). The complete transcript
of the interview can be accessed in the provided
pdf file or
The Introduction of this interview
reads as follows:
One of the most important missions
of the Scientific Research Center of the Islamic
Government is to investigate the existing ambiguities
and provide some updated responses to them. During the
recent years, there have been some ambiguities regarding
the relationship between ‘Allamah Tabataba’i and the
Islamic Revolution. The project of confiscating ‘Allamah
Tabataba’i’s views is one of the links of a mega-project
which seeks to demonstrate that most of the prominent
scientists in the fields of jurisprudence (fiqh),
philosophy, and kalam disagree with Imam Khomeini and
the theory of the guardianship of the jurisconsults, and
that the theory of Imam Khomeini in this regard lacks
the necessary scientific and rational support, and that
is why the academic elite do not advocate it. The wide
presence of a large number of ‘Allamah Tabataba’i’s
students in beginning and leading the Islamic Revolution
was an important obstacle to this confiscation. Not only
the students of ‘Allamah Tabataba’i but also his
son-in-law (Martyr Ali Ghodosi), who was one of the
pillars of the contemporary philosophical, political
movement, and Haghani Circle, which was wholeheartedly
at the service of the Revolution, organized the judicial
system of the Islamic Revolution with Martyr Ayatullah
Beheshti and Martyr Ghodosi playing the central roles.
However, presently, at a time that the age difference
between our generation with ‘Allamah Tabataba’i and his
students is becoming increasingly wider, the enemy is
trying to cease the opportunity to portray an unreal
image of this distinguished philosopher and imprint it
on the minds and hearts of the Iranian youth with the
help of the virtual space and social networks.
Complete transcript of
the interview
Pdf file of the
complete transcript of the interview
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