An Interview with Professor Ayatullah Khamenei, President of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute on “Rights in
Nahj al-Balaghah”
Professor Ayatullah Seyyed
Mohammed Khamenei, President of the Sadra Islamic
Philosophy Research Institute, in an interview with the
Research Deputy of the Seminary of Hazrat Zaynab Kubra
(a) referred to some important points regarding the
subject of “Rights in Nahj al-balaghah”. In his view,
the criteria for the truth are the same existence,
realization, and objectivity of the truth rather than
assumption, imitation, imagination, and claims.
Quoting the Commander of the
Faithful (a), Imam Ali, who said the truth is visible
and not audible, Professor Ayatullah Khamenei concluded
that what philosophers call fact-by-itself refers to the
same definition. That is, the external and actualized
“self” of everything is the truth of that thing, and as
long as something lacks external reality, it cannot be
called the truth or contain the truth. It is necessary
to mention that this interview was done on the occasion
of “The ‘Alawite Pledge” Conference, which was held with
the purpose of a study of rights in Nahj al-balaghah.
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