Publication of Issue 103 of Kheradname-ye Sadra



A new issue of the scientific Quarterly of Kheradname-ye Sadra (Issue 103-Spring 2021) was published. This issue begins with an Editorial by Ayatullah Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei and continues with the following papers:

“Essentialism in the Transcendent Philosophy: Principles and Concomitants” Mohammad Nejati, Mostafa Momeni, and Faroogh Touli

“A Critical Analysis of Ḥakīm Gharawī Isfahānī’s View of the Levels of Divine Manifestations”, Mostafa Azizi Alavijeh

“Place of Intellect in Shaykh al-Mufīd’s Kalāmī Thoughts with an Emphasis on a Critical Analysis of Existing Views”, Nafiseh Ahle Sarmadi

“Value and Efficiency of Acquired and Non-Acquired Sciences in Ibn ‘Arabī”, Forough al-Sadat Rahimpour and Nayereh Esmaeli

“Holistic Education Based on the Principles of the Transcendent Philosophy”, Tayebe Mahroozade and Sude Yavari

“An Analytic Study of the Arguments for the Necessity of Corporeal Dimension of Man in Mullā Ṣadrā”, Hadi Jafari and Ali Arshad Riyahi

“A Study of the Functions of Faith and its Concomitants in Life Identification in ‘Allāmah Ṭabāṭabā’ī”, Soheila Gholipoor Shahraki, Mojtaba Jafari Eshkavandi, Mohsen Fahim, and Alireza Khajehgir


Interested readers can access the papers of this issue on The print version of this issue is also available for sale at the following address:

SIPRIn’s Bookshop,

Parsa Cultural Complex,

Between Fakhr Razi and Daneshgah Streets,

Enghelab Street,

Tehran, Iran

Phone: 00-98-21-66973202 

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