Publication of Issue 101 of the Quarterly Kheradname-ye Sadra
Issue 101 (Fall 2020) of the
scientific-research Quarterly of Kheradname-ye Sadra has
been published by the Publication Center of SIPRIn. The
Table of Contents of this issue is as follows:
Editorial: Ayatullah Professor
Seyyed Muhammed Khamenei
“Roles of the Affective and
Voluntary Spheres of Faith in its Bilateral Relationship
with Moral Acts in Mullā Ṣadrā’s View”, Mehdi Zamani
“A Critical Study of Ḥakīm
Sabziwārī’s Readings of the Argument of the Righteous
and Later Interpretations of his Views”, Hossainali
Shidanshid and Mohammad Hadi Tavakkoli
“A Study of the Validity of
Gnostic Intuition in the Epistemology of the
Transcendent Philosophy”, Hossein Emadzadeh and Mehdi
“A Critical Study of Mullā Ṣadrā’s
Attributing the Madeness of the Concept of Existent to
Sayyid Sanad”, Fatemeh Abedini and Ali Arshad Riahi
“Views of Sayyid ‘Alī Khān Madanī
and Mullā Ṣadrā on Divine Anthropomorphic Attributes
Based on Ends”, Narges Taheri, Hasan Naghizadeh, and
Mortaza Irvani Najafi
“An Analytic Study of Mullā
Ṣadrā’s Criticisms of Mutikallimūn’s Views of Man’s
Identity”, Somayeh Malleki, Seyyed Mahdi Emami jome, and
Nafiseh Ahl Sarmadi
“A Review of Love as an
Influential Factor in Man’s Godlikeness in Meister
Eckhart and Mullā Ṣadrā”, Seyyed Mohammad Ghadery and
Ehsan Kordi Ardakani
“A Comparative Study of Mullā
Ṣadrā’s and William Craig’s Views of Temporal
Origination of the World”, Monireh Sayyid Mazhari and
Alireza Esmaeli
All the articles published in
different issues of this Journal and the related data
are available to interested users on Moreover, the abstracts of the
various issues of kheradname-ye Sadra are available to
all on the official website of the Sadra Islamic
Philosophy Research Institute.
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