Publication of Issue 44 of the Quarterly of History of Philosophy



Issue 44th issue of the scientific Quarterly of History of Philosophy (Spring, 2021) was published.

This issue contains the following:


“General Themes of Ḥakīm Rajab‘alī Tabrīzī’s Works and his Transition to the Neo-Peripatetic School (An Analytic Introduction to his Writings or Teachings)”, Mahmud Hedayatafza

“Analytic Philosophy and the Charge of Anti-Historicity”, Mohammad Saied Abdollahi and Mohammad Ali Abdollahi

“A Historical-Analytic Deliberation over the Logical Meaning and Concomitants of the Principle of Possibility of the Nobler”, Seyyed Mohammad Musawy Bayegi, Seyyed Abbas Hakimzadeh Kherad, and Mohammad Reza Gorgin

“Fārābī and the Question of the Truth of Perception: A Critical Review of Mullā Ṣadrā’s View”, Ghasem Pourhasan and Ali Piri

“Value of Philosophia Prima in Kant and ‘Allāmah Ṭabāṭabā’ī”, Armin Mansouri and Abbas Izadpanah

“Ontological Analysis of Different Types of Resurrection and their Relationship with Death in the View of Sayyid Ḥaydar Āmulī”, Fatemeh Kookaram, Abdollah Salavati, and Einollah Khademi

“An Evaluation of Fakhr al-Dīn Rāzī’s Criticisms of Ibn Sīnā’s Argument Regarding the Finitude of Dimensions”, Mahmud Seidy

Interested readers can access all the papers of this issue on The print version of this issue is also available for sale at the following address:

SIPRIn’s Bookshop,

Parsa Cultural Complex,

Between Fakhr Razi and Daneshgah Streets,

Enghelab Street,

Tehran, Iran

Phone: 00-98-21-66973202



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