Publication of Issue 42 of the Quarterly of History of Philosophy



Issue 42 of the scientific-research Quarterly of History of Philosophy, special Issue (Fall 2020), has been published by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute. The director of this Journal is Ayatullah Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei; its license-holder is the Scientific Society of History of Philosophy, and its editor-in-chief is Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari.

The Table of Contents of this issue is given below:


“Dilthey’s Lifeworld, Mullā Ṣadrā’s Transcendent Philosophy, and the Possibility of Transcendent Human Sciences”, Ali Fathi

“Foundations of Denying the Trans-Substantial Motion in the Philosophy of Ḥakīm Mullā Rajab‘alī Tabrīzī”, Zeinab Azad Moghaddam, Abbas Javareshkian, and Seied Morteza Hoseini Shahrudi

“A Critical-Historical Review of Abharī’s Analysis of the Elements and Typology of Denotation Based on the Distinction of two Models: Free Will-Speaker and Meaning-Interlocutor”, Hashem Qorbani and Abbas Bakhshandeh Bali

“Typology of Deism in the 17th and 18th Centuries Based on Samuel Clarke’s Classification”, Mohammad Mohammadinia, Mohammad Ali Abdollahi, and Hossein Saberi Varzane

“A Study of Multiplicity of the Category of Substance in Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī”, Mahdi Dashtbozorgi, Mohammad Ismail Abdollahi, and Mohammad Karaminia

“A Glance at A Century of the Translation of Philosophical Texts in Iran (Bibliography of Western Philosopher from Before Christ until the 20th Century)”, Saeed Anvari and Maryam Mahdavi Mazdeh


It is noted that interested users can access all the articles of this issue and the previous issues on They can also purchase the print version of the Journal from the following address:

SIPRIn’s Bookshop,

Parsa Cultural Complex,

Between Fakhr Razi and Daneshgah Streets,

Enghelab Street,

Tehran, Iran

Phone: 00-98-21-66973202

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