Publication of a New Issue of the Scientific-Research Quarterly of History of Philosophy



The Publication Center of the Sara Islamic Philosophy Research Institute has published the 35th issue of the scientific-research Quarterly of History of Philosophy. The Director of this Journal is Ayatullah Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei; its license-holder is the Scientific Society of History of Philosophy, and its editor-in-chief is Hossein Kalbasi.

The Editorial of this issue of the Journal reads as follows:

Presently, western politicians and owners of power, money, and weapons have distanced themselves from the language of reasoning and rationality more than ever before. Today, they try to justify their unhuman behavior and misdeeds in the international scene through lies and massive propaganda and do their best in falsifying realities. At the time being, people talk continuously about freedom and respecting human rights and human values in international societies; however, the rights of oppressed and innocent nations are violated right in front of the eyes of the same people in the name of freedom and human rights, and their material and spiritual legacies and wealth are plundered. Are we today dealing with the same Europe and America who claimed to be against slavery, to fend for the freedom of nations to determine their own destiny, and to protect the human rights? We have now come to a point where the present president of the USA shamelessly speaks of milking some nations like four-legged beasts, and no objection is heard from any corner of the world against his insolence, even not from the intended miserable nations!

This issue contains the following papers:

“Origins of the Notion of Bahman or Suhrawardi’s First Emanated”, Nadia Maftouni and Morteza Darrudi Jawan

“A Semantic Study of the Description of God as the Simple Intellect in Sinan Wisdom (with Reference to Three Different Interpretations by Fakhr al-Din Razi, Mir Damad and Mulla Sadra)”, Sayyed Mohammad Entezam

“A Study of the Reason for the Unpopularity of Philosophy during the Umayyad Period in Andalusia”, Musa Alreza Bakhshi Ostad and Abdol Hosein Latifi

“Khwajah Nasir al-Din Tusi’s Philosophical View of the Management and Economy of Family”, Masoud Sadeghi

“Kierkegaard and the Origin of Existentialist Religious Theorems”, Fatemeh Mohammad and Mohammad Akvan

“A Study of Ibn Sina’s Encounter with Early Philosophers’ Views of the Whatness of Pleasure”, Hoorieh Shojaee Baghini, Einollah Khademi and Amirhosein Mansori Noori

“A Review of the Development of Semantics of Divine Attributes in Islamic Thinkers”, Abdollah Mirahmadi

It is noted that all the abstracts of this issue and those of the previous issues are accessible on this website. Moreover, in order to purchase the publications of the Institute, interested readers can contact the Sales and Subscriptions Department of the Institute at the following number: 0098-21-88153594


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