Publication of Issue 34 of History of Philosophy
Issue 34 of the
scientific-research Quarterly of History of Philosophy
was published by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research
Institute. The managing director of this Journal is
Ayatullah Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei; its
licence-holder is the Scientific Society of History of
Philosophy, and its editor-in-chief is Hossein Kalbasi.
After Editorial Notes, the Table
of Contents of this issue is given below:
“Plato’s Mathematical Ontology in Islamic and Western
Interpretations”, Mohammad Saket Nalkiashari and Ali
Naqi Baqershahi
“Philoponus and the Development of his Philosophical
Thoughts”, Farhad Assadi, Maryam Salem, and Syed
Mohammad Esmaeel Syed Hashemy
Sabziwari’s Impact on the School of Tehran: Continuity
of the Qajar Philosophical School of Isfahan”, Mohammad
Javad Sami and Saeed Rahimian
Study of the Fundamental Principles and Elements of
Comparative Philosophy in Izutsu’s Philosophy”, Ghasem
Pourhasan and Hamidreza Eskandari Damaneh
“Suhrawardi’s Background in Advocating Mentally-Positedness
of Existence”, Mahmoud Hedayatafza and Zeynab Bostani
“Happiness and Contemplation of Beauty in Plato’s
Symposium”, Hamidreza Mahboobi Arani
Comparative Study of Utopia in Islamic Thinkers: A Case
Study of the Views of Khwajah Nasir al-Din Tusi and Ibn
Sina”, Mahdi Torkashvand and Ali Khajeh Naieni
It is noted that the abstracts of
the paper of this issue and the previous ones are
available at the official website of the Sadra Islamic
Philosophy Research Institute. Moreover, interested
people can purchase all the publication of Institute
from the Sale Office of the Publication Center of the
Institute (phone: 0098-2188153594).
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