Publication of Issue 32 of the Quarterly of
History of Philosophy
Issue 32 of the
scientific-research Quarterly of History of Philosophy
contains the following:
Editorial Note
“A Comparative Analysis and
Explanation of the Creation of the World in the View of
Ionian Philosophers”, Mohammad Akvan
“Historical Deliberations over the
Principle of the Nobler Possibility”, Hoorieh Shojaee
Baghini and Einollah Khademi
“Doubt and Certainty in
Contemporary Islamic and Western Philosophies”,
Abdurazzaq Hesamifar
“Heidegger’s Interpretation of
Anaximander’s Arche, Participation, and Time”, Ghasem
Pourhasan Darzi and Mehrdad Ahmadi
“Components of Plato’s Critical
Approach to Poetry and Poets”, Meysam Dadkhah and Ali
Naqi Baqershahi
“An Evaluation and Pathology of
the Components of Epistemology of the Modern Period in
Human Sciences”, Ali Karbalaei Pazooki and Fatemeh
Najafi Pazooki
“Reflection of the Philosophy of
Amesha Spenta in Suhrawardi’s Theory of Archetypes”,
Nadia Maftouni and Morteza Darrudi Jawan
The managing director of the
Quarterly of History of Philosophy is Ayatullah
Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei; its license-holder
is the Scientific Society of History of Philosophy, and
its editor-in-chief is Hossein Kalbasi. This Journal is
published by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research
It is noted that the abstracts of
the papers published in this issue and the previous
issues of the Journal are available on the official
website of the Institute. Moreover, in order to purchase
the publications of the Institute, interested readers
can contact its Subscription Unit (0098-21-88153594) or
the Sales Office of its Publication Center at the
following address:
No. 1218,
Parsa Cultural Complex,
Enghelab Street (in front of
University of Tehran),
Tehran, Iran
Phone: 0098-21-66973202
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