Publication of the 29th Issue of the Quarterly of
History of Philosophy
The 29th issue of the
scientific-research Quarterly of Scientific Society of
History of Philosophy was published. The Table of
Contents of this issue is given below:
“Nature of Place in the History of
Islamic Philosophy”, Abdulrassoul Oboudiat
“A Comparative Approach to
Epistemological Sources: From Hillah School (Ibn Abi
Jumhur Ihsa’ei) to Isfahan School (Mulla Sadra)”, Reza
Rezazadeh and Somayyeh Monfared
“An Introduction to the Philosophy
of History of Philosophy”, Masoud Omid
“Dramatic Conflict between Law and
Justice in Plato’s Crito”, Abdulrasul Hassanifar and
Seyyed Mohsen Alavipour
“Role of Christianity in the
Return of Greek Philosophy to the Sassanid Iran”, Zahra
“Historical Development of
Approaches to the Problem of Essential Accidents: From
Mulla Sadra to Muhaqqiq Rashti”, Musa Malayeri
“The Relationship between Language
and Reality in Plato: An Interpretation of Plato’s
Cratylus in the Light of the Three Allegories in
Republic”, Hassan Fathi and Abubakr Soleimanpour
Interested people can download the papers published in
the previous issues of the Journal from or buy the complete issues from the
bookshop of the Publications Center of the Sadra Islamic
Philosophy Research Institute at the following address:
No. 1218,
Parsa Cultural Complex,
Enghelab Street (in front of
Tehran University),
Tehran, Iran
Phone: 0098-21-66973202
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