Publication of the 25th Issue of
History of Philosophy Quarterly
The 25th issue of the
Scientific-Research Quarterly of the Scientific Society
of History of Philosophy was published. This issue
contains the following articles:
“Historical Development and
Pre-Suppositions of the Theory of the Principiality
of Existence in Tusi’s Analysis”, Hashem Ghorbani
“Incompleteness of Heidegger’s
Interpretation of Platonic Truth: A Critical Review
of Plato’s Doctrine of Truth”, Said Binayemotlagh
and Seyyed Majid Kamali
“Philosophy and Religious Law
in Spinoza’s Theologico-Political Treatise: Admist
Averroism and Textualism”, Reza Najafzadeh
“Rereading Suhrawardi’s
Illuminationist Philosophy in the Light of Pierre
Hadot’s Philosophical Model: Philosophy as a Way of
Life”, Amir Abbas ‘Alizamani and Zahra Rastakhiz
“A Study of the Idea of Crisis
in Husserl’s View and its Background in the 19th
Century European Philosophy”, Seyyed Mas‘ud Seyf and
Afshin Mo’azzen
“The Idea of Order in the
History of Greek Philosophy: A Study of the
Epistemological-Ontological Aspects of Order in
Plato’s Political Philosophy”, Abdulrasul Hasanifar
and Hamzah Alimi Cheraghali
“Life in Harmony with Nature
in the View of Three Stoic Philosophers: Seneca,
Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius”, Mohammad Javad
Esmaeili and Sina Masheyekhi
“Logos and Motion in
Heraclitus”, Seyyed Mohammad Reza Hosseini Khameneh
Interested readers can access and download the articles
published in the previous issues by visiting the website
of the Journal (
They can also buy the previous issues from the bookshop
of the Publication Center of the Sadra Islamic
Philosophy Research Institute at the following address:
No. 1218,
Parsa Cultural Complex,
Enghelab Street (in front of
Tehran University),
Tehran, Iran
Phone: 0098-21-66973202
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