Publication of the 20th Issue of the Quarterly of History of Philosophy



The 20th issue of the scientific-research Quarterly of the History of Philosophy includes the following articles:

  • “The Purple Philosopher: Life, Thoughts, and Writings of Porphyry”, Mehdi ‘Azimi

  • “Hermes in Manichaeism and its Impact on Suhrawardi’s Thoughts”, Seyyedeh Behnaz Hosseini

  • “Historical Development of the Problem of Vaporous Spirit in Sadrian Philosophy”, Mohammad Miri

  • “The Effects of Philosophical Trends on Teaching Philosophy in Schools in the Safavid Era”, Musa al-Riza Bakhshi Ostad

  • “Anthropomorphism and Transcendence in Ibn Arabi and Spinoza”, Abdulrazzaq Hessamifar and Pedram Pourmehran

  • “From God as the Truth to the Principiality of Existence”, Mahmoud Zera‘atpisheh

  • “A Comparative Study of the Concept of Generation and Corruption in Aristotle and Ibn Sina”, Asghar Salimi Naveh and Goudarz Shateri

 The director of this Quarterly is Professor Ayatullah Mohammed Khamenei: its license-holder is the International Society of the History of Philosophy, and its editor- in-chief is Hossein Kalbasi. The History of Philosophy Journal is published by the Publications Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute.

It is noted that the abstracts of the articles of this issue of the Quarterly and those of the previous ones are available to interested readers in this website. In order to obtain the publications of the Institute, you can contact the Sale and Subscription Unit of the Institute at the following number: 0098-21-88153594.


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