Publication of a New Issue of the

History of Philosophy Journal


The 15th issue of the scientific-research Quarterly of History of Philosophy was published by the Publication Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute in Winter 2014. The director of this Journal is Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei; its license-holder is the International Society of the History of Philosophy, and its editor-in-chief is Hossein Kalbasi.

The Table of Contents of this issue is as follows: 

  • “A Study of Idah al-khayr al-mahd and its Influence over the History of Islamic Philosophy”, Gholamhossein Ahmadi Ahangar

  • “Truth of Man and the True Man in Abulhassan ‘Amiri and Mulla Sadra”, Hassan Rahbar and Reza Rezazadeh

  • “Man’s Intellectual and Intuitive Knowledge of the One and the One’s Knowledge of Himself and other than Himself in Plotinus’ Philosophy”, Asadullah Heydarpour Kiya’i

  • “The Relationship between the Pillars of Wisdom and Utopia in Suhrawardi and Plato”, Sa‘id Rahimian and Tayyebeh Zare‘i

  • “Philosophers and the Esoteric Interpretation of the Qur’an in Ibn Rushd”, Roohallah ‘Alizadeh, Muhammed Sa‘idi Mehr, Seyyed Abbas Zahabi

  • “Development of the Theory of Categories from Aristotle to Ibn Sina”, Reza Rasuli Sharabiyani and Parisa Mehrkhani

  • “Athiri’s Heritage: Life and Works”, Mahdi ‘Azimi

 In order to buy the journals published by this Institute, interested people can contact the Sale and Subscription Unit of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research institute at 0098-21-88153594.

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