Publication of
Farabi and the a-Horuf
The book of Farabi and the al-Horuf:
An Inquiry into Farabi’s Linguistic Philosophical
Reflections was published. This hardback book, which has
been published in 808 pages in the octavo format, is a
translation of Farabi’s al-Horuf treatise by Ghasem
Pourhasan (‘Allameh Tabataba’i University). This version
also includes the comments of the translator.
As one of Farabi’s most important
works, al-Horuf treatise discusses rational sciences,
syntax, lexicon, and the process of the emergence of
words and their growth, development, and evolution.
While translating the treatise from Arabic into Persian,
Pourhasan has written a research-based commentary on the
subjects and problems of the book. He has also written
and added an extensive Introduction in 10 sections on
the status of philosophy and philosophical trends in
Farabi’s period.
Interested people can purchase
this book and the other publications of the Sadra
Islamic Philosophy Institute from the Sales Unit of the
Publications Center of SIPRIn at the following address:
- No. 1218
- Parsa Cultural Complex
- Enghelab Street
- Tehran, Iran
- Phone: 0098-21-66973202
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