Report of the First Day of the Specialized Meeting on “Farabi and the Development of Islamic Philosophy” in the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute    


An Analysis of Farabi’s Place in the History of Islamic Philosophy

The two-day meeting of “Farabi and the Development of Islamic Philosophy” began at 9.30 on 26 January 2011with presence of Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei and other Iranian authorities in the field of philosophy in the Conferences Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute.

 This specialized meeting began with program announcement and some explanations concerning the themes of the meeting by the general secretary of this gathering, Dr. Qasim Purhassan. This was followed by a speech made by Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei entitled “Farabi’s Place in the History of Islamic Philosophy”.

The president of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute referred to the close relationship between understanding the history of civilization and the growth and development of nations at the beginning of his speech and said that no nation can grow and develop itself without knowledge. He continued that, if philosophers deprive us from their philosophical thoughts, philosophy will fail to grow, but we know that philosophical growth will lead to the unity of a nation with human effects and innovations and, as a result, both will be developed side by side each other.

 Professor Khamenei also stated that Islamic researchers and historians have so far been negligent in introducing philosophical and scientific figures, which is completely evident in the books written about great philosophers. Clearly, they lack many of the important points about the lives of philosophers.

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