Latest News from the Research Unit of the Philosophy and Children Department   


Another step towards Advancing Children’s Philosophical Thinking

The Philosophy for Children Department of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute will publish the 4th issue of the specialized Journal of Philosophy and Children in the near future. Reportedly, it will be available to interested readers before the end of this year. The included papers will be on teaching and training children following a philosophical and thinking-oriented approach and based on the studies conducted by experts in the field of philosophy for children.

Future Research Programs

  • The writing and compiling of the teaching materials for “philosophy and children” classes for middle school have come to an end and they are now ready for publication. This collection consists of some stories, topics for various discussions, and some specific activities concerning the workshops of “philosophy and children” for middle-school students.

  • This research unit also hopes to hold the specialized conference of Philosophy and Children on 22 May 2011 at the same time with Mulla Sadra’s Commemoration Day. In line with this purpose, this unit will send a call for papers in the websites of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute and Philosophy and Children Department of this Institute.

Presently, the researchers of this unit are preparing a collection of new materials regarding the specialized discussions of the Conference. The details will be announced after the collection is completed and published.


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