In the International Philosophy Conference in Greece, the President of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute Said, "Defending Thought, Logic, and Dialog Means Defending the Human Society and Human Civilizations."
20th International Philosophy Conference on the theme of
“Greek Philosophy and its relevance to Issues of our
Age" was held in Khani on the Greek island of Crete with
the cooperation of a number of philosophers and experts
and researchers in other fields from various countries.
In this Conference, after the host country, the United
States of America had the greatest number of
participants. Ayatullah Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei, the
President of SIPRIn (the Sadra Islamic Philosophy
Institute), and Dr. Mulla Salihi, the faculty member of
the Archaeology Department of Tehran University, took
part in this Conference as representatives of our
In the Conference on “Greek Philosophy and its relevance
to Issues of our Age”, a number of masters from Asia,
Europe, Oceania, America, and Africa delivered speeches
on different topics in the fields of art, aesthetics,
wisdom, ethics, and architecture and discussed the
relationships between each of them and philosophy.
After the opening of the Conference, Professor Boudouris
began his words as the President of the Organizing
Committee by emphasizing the specific role of Iranian
ancient history and rich culture and the Muslim
Philosophers of our country, particularly, Farabi and
his thoughts, in the elevation and promotion of the
philosophy and thought of all times. Then he suggested
cooperation between his country and SIPRIn in holding a
conference on Farabi’s thoughts.
Then the President of Sadra Islamic Philosophy
Institute, while expressing the interest of Iran and
this Institute in holding such conferences, briefly
spoke about the share and role of philosophy and
philosophers in the advancement of the history of
thought, cultures, and human civilizations.
To continue with his words, by emphasizing the
research-oriented and truth-seeking nature of philosophy
and its close and inevitable relationship with logic,
intellection, and thinking, he introduced philosophy as
a rich human and world legacy that does not belong to a
specific ethnic group, race, or period.
After referring to the significant efficiency of
philosophy, logic, and intellection in solving the
problems of human beings, he stated that defending
thought, logic, and dialog is, in fact, the same as
defending the human society, history, culture, and
civilization. That is the reason why SIPRIn started the
project of compiling the history of philosophy in the
At the end of his words, two of
Professor Khamenei’s books, “The Philosophy of Being a
Woman” and “The Transcendent Philosophy and Mulla Sadra”,
the English translations of which have recently been
published, were introduced and given as gifts to the
professors attending the Conference.
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