Call for Papers for the
“Journal of the International Society of History and Philosophy”

The first issue of the Research Journal of History of Philosophy was published by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute in the summer of 2010 and is now available to interested readers. The grantee of this Journal is the History of philosophy Society; its director is Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei, and its editor-in-chief is Dr. Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari, who is also the head of the International Society of History of Philosophy.
In line with its huge research project entitled “Compiling a Comprehensive History of Wisdom and Philosophy”, the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute decided to publish this journal as one of its scientific activities.
According to Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei, President of the Institute, this Journal can create an extensive link between Iranian and foreign researchers concerning the most recent studies in the field of history of philosophy. The selected papers of foreign researchers will also be published in this Journal.
The Editor-in-Chief of the Journal in the editorial of the first issue, while referring to the publication of this Quarterly as the first step in the difficult and long process of completing the project of “Compiling a Comprehensive History of Wisdom and Philosophy”, has demanded the cooperation of researchers and authorities in this field.
He has mentioned that the Journal welcomes and appreciates the valuable papers and writings of the scholars and professors from all over the country. Essentially, the main purpose of this Journal is to create an appropriate atmosphere for presenting the related discussions at a high level and familiarize others with the studies conducted by Iranian scholars.
Those who are interested in contributing research papers can contact the Editorial Office of the Journal for more information at the following numbers:
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