Publication of Three New Books by the
Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute
books Sharh al-hidayah (two volumes) and Philosophy and
Path of Life have been published by the Sadra Islamic
Philosophy Research Institute and are now available to
interested readers. The two volumes of Sharh al-hidayah
on the themes of “theology” and “physics” are among
Mulla Sadra’s famous books in Arabic. The commentary on
Hidayat al-hikmat is written by Athir al-Din Abhari. The
required research and edition work for this book has
been done by Maqsud Muhammedi under the supervision of
Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei.
book Philosophy and Path of Life entails the collection
of the selected papers of the 17th Conference on Mulla
Sadra, which has been compiled and published under the
supervision of Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei.
who are interested in buying these books can contact the
Sale and Subscription Unit of the Institute at
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