Holding the 21st Annual Conference of Commemorating Mulla Sadra on the Theme of

“Philosophy’s Encounter with the Virtual World”


On the occasion of the National Mulla Sadra Day, the 21st Annual Conference of Commemorating Mulla Sadra on the theme of “Philosophy’s Encounter with the Virtual World” was held with presence of a number of pioneer masters, distinguished figures, authorities, professors, and researchers in the field of philosophy. Moreover, a great number of high school philosophy teachers, seminary students, and university students participated in this event.

Among the speakers of this event, reference can be made to Ayatuallh Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei, Reza Dawari Ardakani, Seyyed Mostafa Mohaqqiq Damad, Karim Mojtahedi, Gholamreza A‘awani, Abdulhoosin Khosropanah, Hasan Bolkhari, Gholamhossein Ibrahimi Dinani, ‘Abdurrazzaq Hesamifar, Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari, Ghasim Purhasan, and Tuba Kermani.

The Conference was inaugurated at 8.45 am on Sunday 21 May 2017 in Adineh Cultural Complex and was closed at 19.00 after 22 speeches in two parallel saloons. The report of this event, the related photos, and the abstract book of this Conference will be available to interested people in the near future.

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