Objectivity and Representativeness of Propositions in the Practical Philosophies of Kant and Mulla Sadra |
By: Hossein Qasemi |
Revisiting Scientific Dialog in the Flourishing Period of Islamic Civilization (With an Emphasis on a Methodological Comparison of Ibn Sina and Biruni) |
By: Mohammad Bidhendi, Alireza Aghahosseini, and Mas'ud Motaharinasab |
The Brilliant Jewel of Islam in Seville: A Historical Analysis of Ibn Arabi's Fusus al-Hikam |
By: Masood Ahmadi Afzadi |
Meaning of Truth in the View of Muslim Philosophers with an Emphasis on Ibn Arabi's Works |
By: Mohsen Habibi and Mohammad Sadiq Rezaee |
The Criterion for Detecting the Problems of Prime Philosophy and the Extent of Islamic Philosophers' Commitment to them |
By: Mansour Imanpour |
"Gradation of Word" as the Philosophy of Language in Suhrawardi's Illuminationist Wisdom |
By: Mahmoud Reza Moradian |
Functions of Reason in the Field of Religion in the Views of Qadi Abd al-Jabbar Mu'tazili and Abubakr Baqillani |
By: Hossein Houshangi, Seyyed Abbas Zahabi, and Farzaneh Mustafapour |