Quarterly of the History of Philosophy

Volume 18



The Body-Soul Relation in the Transcendent Philosophy and Ibn Arabi's School

Mohammad Miri*

There are several similarities between the philosophical view of the Transcendent Philosophy and the gnostic view of Ibn Arabi's school of the quality of the body-soul relation. Both of them, based on certain considerations, believe in the oneness of the body and soul. At the same time, while accepting the existence of a huge gap between the rational soul and corporeal body, they emphasize that the existence of the steam-like spirit is not enough to establish the body-soul relation and argue that the existence of an Ideal body and level, which stands between the steam-like spirit and rational soul, is necessary for this relation to be realized. Accordingly, based on the views of both schools, the intellectual and rational soul possesses three bodies which appear alongside each other vertically. That is, it first belongs to the Ideal body, then to the steam-like spirit, and then to corporeal body. In other words, the rational soul administers the corporeal body through two intermediaries, namely, the Ideal body and the steam-like spirit. Moreover, both the Transcendent Philosophy and Ibn Arabi's school explain the place of the rational soul, Ideal body, steam-like spirit, and corporeal body as the levels of the microcosm and the correspondence of each with the levels of macrocosm based on the principle of the "correspondence of macrocosm and microcosm".


Key Terms

body-soul relation                                      steam-like spirit

Ideal body                                                  the Transcendent Philosophy

Ibn Arabi's school



Origin in Shankara's School

Mohammad Reza Asadi,[1] and Seyyed Zia al-Din Hosseini[2]

The present paper deals with Shankara's view of the Origin. Many Indian thinkers and Indologists believe that Shankara is the greatest Indian philosopher. According to him, some of the Upanishads consider the Brahman as nirguna (unqualified), and some others consider it as saguna (qualified). Shankara himself maintains that Brahman is nirguna and considers it to be the main theme of the Upanishads. In the advaita sat-chit-ananda, Brahman is pure being, knowledge, and bliss. Nevertheless, in spite of this affirmative approach, we observe some negative arguments whereby the same attributes cannot be used to define the nature of Brahman deservedly. In this sense, Brahman is something beyond the mind and words. In Shankara's system, Brahman is also referred to as Atman and the supreme self. It is also mentioned there that, in line with Maya's teachings, there is in fact no existence and self except Brahman.


Key Terms

Shankara                                                    Advaita

Vedanta                                                     God




Transition from Intellectual Philosophy to Esoteric Wisdom in the Ideas of Ikhwan al-Safa (An Analysis of Early Encounters of Muslim Thinkers with Philosophy)

Hasan Bolkhari Qahi**

The present paper initially discusses and explores the early applications of philosophical terms and their meanings in Islamic culture. Then it clarifies the dominant approach followed by those Muslim thinkers who try to reconcile Shari'ah with philosophy through using an acceptable concept in religion by resorting to the term hikmah (which is a purely Qur'anic term). This is an approach which managed to result in a kind of esoteric wisdom between the second and fourth centuries (AH) through employing such concepts as t'awil (interpretation) in the Qur'an and promoting the interest in piety and gnosis.

Ikhwan al-Safa, who exercised a huge influence on the development of wisdom and philosophy in Islamic culture, are among the pioneers of the above approach. By composing a corpus of 54 Epistles, called Rasa'il, they took a great stride towards reconciling Shari'ah with philosophy and explaining the concept of wisdom and, particularly, Batini wisdom. Here, following an analytic-historical approach, the writer performs a conceptual analysis of the two terms of philosophy and wisdom during the first period of the rise of philosophical thought in Islamic civilization. Besides, he deliberates on the efforts of Ikhwan al-Safa in order to reach a kind of esoteric wisdom, which is a synthesis of a completely philosophical and, at the same time, Qur'anic (and narrative) approach. This was an approach which inevitably advocated the unity of religion and philosophy in order to demonstrate such a synthesis.


Key Terms

philosophy                                                 wisdom

esoteric wisdom                                         Ikhwan al-Safa

history of philosophy






Psychology in Ibn Sina and Ibn Miskawayah

Seyyed Ahmad Hosseini[3] and Maryam Gomari[4]

The most important basis of Ibn Miskawayah's philosophy of ethics is his psychology. In his discussions of ethics, he intends to introduce the exclusive characteristic of human beings; he demonstrates that there exists in Man something superior to the corporeal body, namely, the soul. By means of their rational soul, human beings can attain a transcendent life as befits the station of being a human. In order to present his view of the quality of Man's access to happiness, Ibn Miskawayah initially proves the existence of the immaterial human soul and then explains its exclusive features. However, since a comparative study contributes to a better understanding of philosophical theories, the writers have introduced Ibn Miskawayah's psychological theories in comparison to those of Ibn Sina. The present paper examines the concept of the soul in the views of these two distinguished philosophers and also refers to the whatness of the soul, existence, origination, the soul-body relation, and the faculties and subsistence of the soul.


Key Terms

soul                                                            soul-body relation

faculties of the soul                                    Ibn Miskawayah

Plato                                                          Aristotle




 A Critical Study and Analysis of Kant's Ideas concerning the Validity of Categorical Imperative based on Mulla Sadra's View 

Hossein Qasemi***

The study of moral propositions and their nature has attracted the attention of philosophers since long ago. Whether these propositions enjoy sufficient flexibility in terms of content is one of the problems discussed in the field of philosophy of ethics. In the West, the modern philosopher, Kant, believed that moral propositions should enjoy a categorical nature. In his view, determining moral acts by any factor other than the "moral law" will result in subordinating them to the subjective will. His insistence on the validity of the categorical imperative originates in purifying practical wisdom from all empirical factors such as hedonism, sentimentalism, God's Will, and intellectual perfection. Moreover, he sought the "end" and "good" in man's nature. Accordingly, the law of ethics and the objective principle of act are introduced as the bases of the categorical imperative and, as a result, all other factors are invalidated.

In other fields of philosophy, particularly, in Mulla Sadra's philosophy, the emphasis on the categorical nature of moral judgments is seriously criticized. Mulla Sadra rejects not only Kant's a priori interpretation of practical reason but also his interpretation of the good and the end. Alongside moral facts, Mulla Sadra speaks of individual and social differences and, as a result, accepts several levels of being in lower realms of human beings. All these plural beings affect the validity of particular and unnecessary judgments and challenge Kant's categorical ideas.

The present paper analyzes Kant's view of the categorical imperative and, then, criticizes it relying on the philosophical ideas of Mulla Sadra and some of the commentators of Kant.


Key Terms

categorical imperative                                good

law of ethics                                              pluralities

practical wisdom                                        Kant

end                                                             Mulla Sadra





Aristotelian Model of Defining Science

Mehdi Nazemi Ardakani[5] and Hamed Mustafawi Fard[6]

Thematic distinction is the oldest method of distinguishing sciences from each other, so that some believe that it is the only method used for this purpose. Taftazani and Lahiji claim that mutikallimun are unanimous that different sciences can be essentially distinguished from each other based on their subject matters. Accordingly, they believe that the distinctions among sciences arise from the distinctions among their subjects, and by attaining aspects, they mean the aspects of the subject's preparedness for accepting the predicate. However, in a more accurate sense, philosophers argue that, in the field of exact and demonstrative sciences, what consolidates the unity of a science is its subject matter. In the same way, 'Allamah Tabataba'i explicitly states that the distinction criterion for exact and demonstrative sciences in their subject, and for mentally-posited sciences it is their end and purpose. In contrast, in the view of the critics of the model of "thematic distinction of sciences", research findings indicate that sciences consist of a few propositions that have been completed over time. Therefore, their subjects were not even known to their founders and, that is why they were not capable of discussing their states. They argue that, even if we accept the Aristotelian model, we should say that many of the debates regarding the distinctions among sciences originate in confusing exact and mentally-posited sciences with each other and generalizing the principles of exact sciences to mentally-posited ones.


Key Terms

model of defining science                          Aristotle

thematic distinction                                    exact sciences

mentally-posited sciences




Tusi's Innovations concerning the Theory of Moderation

Hossein Atrak****

The theory of moderation is one of the common ethical theories among Muslim philosophers. According to this theory, all ethical virtues enjoy middle term, and all moral vices are rooted in going to extremes. Although the scholars of Islamic ethics were influenced by Plato and Aristotle in posing their theory of moderation, they also presented several innovations in this regard. Khwajah Nasir al-Din Tusi can be considered one of the innovators of this theory. His innovation in psychology consists of the four-fold classification of the faculties of the soul and designating justice as a virtue and as a function of the practical wisdom. However, his important contribution concerning the theory of moderation paved the way for presenting a new interpretation of the principle of moderation, adding the criterion of quality to it, and defining the concept of "malignity". His other important innovation is determining three supreme genera of excess, neglect, and malignity for the vice, which, given the three faculties of the soul, will increase to nine in the number of supreme genera. It is worth mentioning that these novel contributions of Tusi greatly affected his succeeding philosophers.


Key Terms

theory of moderation                                 faculties of the soul

excess and neglect                                     malignity





* Level 4 Graduate of Qum Seminary, and Assistant Professor at Imam Khomeini Education and Research Institute, mohammademiri@gmail.com.

[1]. Associate Professor, Philosophy Department, 'Allamah Tabataba'i University.

[2]. PhD candidate of Comparative Philosophy, 'Allamah Tabataba'i University, seyedziyaodin@yahoo.com (corresponding author).

** Assistant Professor, Department of Higher Art Studies, Tehran University, Hasan.bolkhari@ut.ac.ir.

[3]. Associate Professor, Philosophy and Islamic Department, Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan, ahmadhosseinee@gmail.com (corresponding author).

[4]. MA in Islamic Philosophy and Kalam.

*** PhD in Islamic Philosophy, Tarbiyat Modarres University, h.qasemi@yahoo.com.

[5]. Associate Professor, Thought and cultural studies Dpartment, Imam Hossein ('a) University.

[6]. PhD candidate of Hadith and Qur'anic sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashad, Hamed_amf@yahoo.com (corresponding author).

**** Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department, Zanjan University.