Duality of Mind-Body in Homer, Plato, and Aristotle |
By: Yashar Jeyrani and Mustafa Yunesi |
Kalami, Philosophical, and Gnostic Approaches to the Hadith of Ama |
By: Mahdi Zamani |
Ibn Miskaway and the Evolution of Species |
By: Furugh al-Sadat Rahimpour and Muhammed Nasr Isfahani |
The Role of Muslim Peripatetics in the Development of Aristotelian Logic |
By: Akbar Fayde'i |
Time and Place in the View of Mirza Khalil Khan Thaqafi (A'alam al-Dawlah): Two Hand-Written Treatises |
By: Reza Ranjbar |
A Historical Glance at the Move from Self-Knowledge to Knowledge of God in Peripatetic and Illuminationist Philosophies |
By: Seyyed Mohammed Kazem 'Alavi |
China according to Muslim Travelers: First to Eighth Century AH |
By: Maryam Soleymani Fard |