Roots of the Theoretical Foundations of Mulla Sadra's "Indigence Possibility" in Muhaqqiq Dawani's Philosophy |
By: Muhammed Meshkat and Majid Yarian |
Reflection of the Insights and Conducts of Shaykh Baha'i and Majlisi (II) in their Religious Treatises |
By: Furugh al-Sadat Rahimpour |
Mulla Rajab'ali versus Mulla Sadra concerning the Discussion of Mental Existence |
By: Ali Karabasizadeh Isfahani, Farideh Kuhrang Beheshti and Sana Jawanmardi |
Hermeneutic Horizons of the Transcendent Philosophy and Mulla Sadra's Social and Cultural Mission |
By: Seyyed Mehdi Imami Jum'ah |
Isfahan's School of Kalam |
By: Muhammed Taqi Subhani and Muhammed Ja'far Reza'i |
A Critical Study of the Tree-Fold Division of Predication in Mir Damad |
By: Mahmud Zera'atpisheh |
A Critical Study of the Principles of Negative Theology with reference to Mulla Sadra's Ideas |
By: Muhammed Mehdi Meshkati and Mehdi Mansuri |