A Design for the Management of Philosophy and Children Classes

 The book A Design for the Management of Philosophy and Children Classes by Mojgan Parvinian, L'aya Rahimzadeh, Farzaneh Tajbakhsh, and Lia Taleqani has been published by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute in 364 pages at a price of 200,000 rials. This book consists of 20 chapters on the themes of respect, order, listening, thinking, bravery, anger, speaking, criticism, reasoning, patience, asking questions, standards, self-confidence, honesty, gossip, ridicule, consultation, decision-making, disagreement, and jealousy. It is worth noting that this work is the product of hours of research and holding workshops at schools.

 Interested people can buy this book by contacting the Sales and Subscription Unit of the Institute (0098-21-88153594) or visiting the Sales Office of its Publication Center at the following address:

 -No. 1218, - Parsa Cultural Complex, - Between Fakhr Razi and Daneshgah streets, - Enghelab Street, - Tehran, Iran -Phone: 0098-21-66973202