Collection of the Selected Papers of the Second World Congress on Mulla Sadra, Volume 5, Mulla Sadra, Art, Ethics, and Eschatology was Published

The Second World Congress on Mulla Sadra, which was held in 2004 in Tehran, while introducing Islamic philosophy, particularly Mulla Sadra's Transcendent Philosophy, to the world, familiarized Iranian scholars with the thoughts of foreign guests representing other schools of philosophy.

One of the invaluable achievements of this Congress was the presentation of several papers by Iranian and foreign thinkers. The selected papers of the Congress have now been classified into specific categories and are being published in different volumes.

The fifth volume of this series has been recently published. It includes some papers in the categories of ethics, philosophy of art, and politics (12 papers), philosophical psychology and eschatology (9 papers).

The titles of some of the included papers and the names of theirs writers are given below:

The fifth volume of the Collection of the Selected Papers of the Second World Congress on Mulla Sadra has been published under the supervision of Professor Seyyed Mohammed Khamenei in 392 pages by the Publication Center of the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute. A short biography of the writer of each paper is also presented at the beginning of the book.