Collection of the Papers Presented at the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra, Issues in Contemporary Western Philosophy, Volume 6
This book is the sixth volume of the selected papers of the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra and includes the following categories: phenomenology and existentialism, hermeneutics and post-modernism, analytic philosophy, contemporary philosophy, epistemology, and philosophy of language.
The titles of some of the papers and their writers are as follows:
Phenomenology of Life: Creative Experience & the New Philosophical Paradigm, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka
Sartre on Freedom and Responsibility: An Analytical Study, D.R. Bhandari
Mantic and Semantic, Wolfram Hogrebe
Philosophy of Reading: Recent Issues in Contemporary Hermeneutics, Diego Sanchez- Meca
Hermeneutics of Open Systems, Laszlo Ropoly
Meaning, Proposition, and Speech Acts, Rolando M. Gripaldo
An Overview of Recent Western Philosophy, Joseph Margolis
Philosophy in 'Post-Philosophical' Times, Karen Gloy
Metaphysics at the End of the Century, Tom Rockmore
Communication, Language and Inter-Cultural Understanding, George Meggle
Syntactic Theory: Functional Categories and Features in a Chomskian Framework, Elly Van Gelderen
The Concepts of Metaphor and Truth: An Indian Perspective, Raghunath Ghosh
This book consists of 31 papers and the biodata of the writers of the papers and has been published in 524 pages by the Sadra Islamic philosophy Institute.