Collection of the Papers Presented at the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra, Mulla Sadra and Comparative Studies, Volume 4
The fourth volume of the collection of the selected papers of the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra is devoted to Mulla Sadra and comparative studies. The soul, knowledge, and perception are among the categories discussed in this book.
The titles of some of the papers and the names of their writers are as follows:
Mulla Sadra's Concept of the Soul in Relation to Avicenna's Psychology, Majid Fakhry
Soul-Body Relation as a Philosophical Model of God- Nature Relation in Mulla Sadra and Leibniz Philosophies, S. Mohammad Ali Dibaji
Knowledge and Immortality in Spinoza and Mulla Sadra, Catherine Wilson
Barriers and Heights: Classical Islam and Mulla Sadra on Barzakh and A'raf, Jane I. Smith
Tasawwur and Tasdiq in Sadr al-Din al-Shirazi and al-Farabi, Joep Lameer
Rationalism & Mysticism: A Few Considerations Regarding the Superiority of the Divine Wisdom, Janis Eshots
A Comparison of 'Attar, Suhrawardi and Mulla Sadra, Lucian W. Stone
Al-Farabi's "True King" and Mulla Sadra's "Path": Human Perfection and Divine Action in Islamic Esoteric Tradition, Valerie J. Hoffman
The Contemporary Significance of Mulla Sadra's Philosophy of Existence: Islamic and Christian Contributions, George F. Mclean
Mulla Sadra Use of Ibn Sina's Ta'liqat in the Asfar, Ingrid Loembart
This book has been published along with the biodata of the writers of the papers in 608 pages by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute.