Collection of the Papers Presented at the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra, Volume 3, Mulla Sadra and Comparative Studies
The present book is the third volume of the collection of the papers of the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra. The first and second volumes included some papers on the first of the seventeen-fold categories of the Congress, i.e. "Studies on Mulla Sadra's School and the Transcendent Philosophy". Therefore, the title "Mulla Sadra and the Transcendent Philosophy" was chosen for them. The third volume consists of 31 papers on the second category called "Comparative Studies on Mulla Sadra and other Philosophers and their Philosophical Schools". Since most of the papers enjoy a comparative nature, the title "Mulla Sadra and Comparative Studies" was chosen for it. Of course, the rest of the papers on the second category will be published in the next volumes. Among the papers of this volume, eleven have been translated from English into Persian and one from Arabic into Persian. The writers of English papers include: Nicholas Heer, Ibrahim Kalin, Ibrahim Abu Bakar, Sabine Schmidtke, Ding Mingju, William Chittick, Joaquin Lomba, Bekir Karliga, A.N.M Wahidur Rahman and N.B.G. Qazi. The writer of the Arabic Paper is Mohammad Mesbahi.