Collection of the Papers Presented at the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra, Volume 12, Mulla Sadra, Interpretation, and Hadith

The 12th volume of the collection of the papers of the First World Congress on Mulla Sadra is on two subjects: interpretation and the knowledge of hadith.

In this book, there are 17 papers on interpretation and 6 on the knowledge of hadith. From among all the papers, 8 have been translated from English into Persian and the rest have been originally written in Persian.

The titles of some of the papers and their writers are as follows:

- Mulla Sadra Shirazi on the Hermeneutic of the Qur'an: His Philosophical Meditations, Latimah Parvin Peerwani

- Mulla Sadra's Method and Style of the Interpretation of the Qur'an, Bemanali Dehghan Mangabadi

- The Qur'an and Symbolic Language, Ali Nasiri

- Mulla Sadra's Gnostic Perceptions of the Qur'anic Verses, Mudabber Azizi

- Mulla Sadra's Commentary on the Light Verse (Ayat al-Nur 24:35), Marcia Hermansen

- The Qur'an as Writing, Amer Gheitury

- Answers to Two Questions about Mulla Sadra's Sharh-i Usul al-Kafi, Reza Ustadi

- Mulla Sadra's View of Jurisprudence, Muhammed Sorush Mahallati

- Mulla Sadra and the Knowledge of Hadith, Nahlah Qarawi Na'ini

 This book has been published along with short biographies of the writers of the papers.