Farabi and the Path to Happiness

Perhaps Farabi is the only Muslim philosopher who has written about all subjects related to philosophy. Historians believe that he did not believe in writing extensive books and mainly wrote short treatises the reading and copying of which would by easy and possible for everyone.

Ethics is one of the subjects that Farabi studied deeply. He also wrote several books in this field. His most important book in which he dealt with ethical discussions is al-Tanbih 'ala sabil al-Sa'adat. Here, Farabi maintains that the first level of happiness is acquiring the knowledge of logic. The book of Farabi and the Path to Happiness is a fluent translation of the above book.

In his extensive Preface to this book, the translator has discussed Farabi's life and works on practical wisdom. Moreover, since in ethics he was influenced by Aristotle's Nikomachean Ethics, Muqrebi has also dealt with this work. Here, he has introduced some contemporary schools of ethics and compared Farabi's ethical views in his al-Tanbih with those of these schools.

Farabi and the Path to Happiness by Abu Nasr Farabi has been published by the Sadra Islamic Philosophy Institute under the supervision of Qasim Purhassan in 132 pages. Nawwab Muqrebi has translated this work and written an Introduction to it.